Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Summer BBQ

Hello! Gosh, wasn't the BBQ at Michael and Susan's fun!? What a great time!
Here are some photos of the event -

So, Scott and Laura, when are you guys going to be back in the Bay Area? Obviously it takes you guys coming down from the Pacific Northwest for us to get together!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Scott and Martin Emmons came to San Jose for Martin's fencing tournament, and prompted a Moosketeers reunion! We had a great dinner March 29th at Tony Romas, and we had the following people show up:

Scott & Martin Emmons
Mike and Stacy Steiman
Michael and Susan Osborn
Jim and Megan Howard
Kelli Martin

Here's the photographic evidence -

We got caught up on what people were doing. Since I didn't take notes, here's what I remember, and you guys can post additional information -

Mike and Stacy - Grandparents! Redid the house and got white carpeting, then a son and grandkids moved into the house! Very fond memories of Disney Camp, and it's Mikey's dream to open one in the Marin area someday. We can't ever know what Stacy does for a living or she'd have to kill us.

Scott - Still at Microsoft, although in a different group now. Does hideously long bike rides for fun.

Martin - Fencing champ! Thinks sitting at dinner with us old folks is boring.

Megan - Going to school in Texas and growing up way too fast!

Kelli - Currently unemployed with an herbal medicine business on the side.

Jim - Still working at Cadence. Finally doing something productive with his T-shirt fetish (www.zazzle.com/widdeej).

Susan and Michael - Susan still does the dog thing and also is a wiz at PhotoShop. Michael is at a "government job" to avoid being unemployed like Kelli. Susan and Michael have offered to host a Mooseketeer BBQ at their place this summer!

On Monday, March 31, there was a breakfast at Hobees with JT! He couldn't make the dinner because he was off in Las Vegas. Apparently, he's quite the pool wiz and was entered in a tournament!!

We had the following people there at breakfast: Jim, JT, Scott, Martin, Kelli and Megan, and here's the photographic evidence:

Other JT news - he's also back working at UltraTech Stepper again!